8 May 2024

19 thoughts on “Army Blackhawks in Perth for counter-terrorism exercises

  1. Enough now we have the sound of a droning aircraft all the time – we live in a nanny state but this noise is allowed to go on and on. What happens when Prince Harry arrives more excuses. Put a stop to noise pollution

  2. To all those who complain about a little noise from night ops training, when the time comes and you need their help or they are defending Perth/Australia from some radical militant
    butchers, maybe you will forgive a little discomfort. Thanks SAS we appreciate your sacrifices.

  3. Well I for one and I can speak for my kids didn’t mind it at all. The sight of these machines always fascinates me. yeah there noisy but its only for a little while. Like you mentioned and we must remember our troops need realistic conditions to train. In light of recent incidents and world conditions we must realize Perth isn’t that isolated. Keep up the good work guys and thanks.

  4. Nice thoughts Dave, but really, the SAS may need training, but over Perth? Why not Gin Gin , Pearce or the Avon Valley. (sorry you guys) I suspect they are more likely to fly their bloody helicopter through some ones roof than actually save anyone in Perth. Commercial Pilots are not allowed to fly like this, lets send these people off to safer areas (safer and quieter for Perth)
    They are a nuisance and I suspect the main reason they make all the noise is not the training they want but the recognition.
    Tell them to bugger off.

    1. Hi Pat,
      As our photo in the article shows, they practiced a rooftop evacuation from a real multistorey government building (Dumas House) in 2014. How many multistorey buildings are there in Gingin, Pearce or Avon Valley to provide realistic urban training?
      It is easy to say “Not in my back yard”, but the training is temporary and necessary. Like last year, they are also conducting training in Bindoon, so it is not just the city being affected. As I mentioned in an earlier reply, it needs to be as realistic as possible, so that when the real thing happens, they know what they are doing. I am sure the Army does not like annoying civilians, as it generates complaints.
      The SAS don’t need to fly low and loud to gain recognition – their distinguished combat history is sufficient.


  5. Brilliant seeing these awesome machines in action. My son and I got to see them come over nollamara four times. Incredible.

  6. Do it somewhere else at some other time.. It’s 9pm and our home in Doubleview has been buzzed multiple times.
    The last one blew the front solid door open. Kids are trying to sleep.

    1. Hi Ben,
      Appreciate that it must be very disturbing for your children, but wherever they go in Perth, someone is bound to complain. Last year they exercised over West Perth and near Swanbourne and there were people complaining.
      The point is that the SAS needs training to be as realistic as possible. If you or your children were in a hostage situation, I am sure you would want the Army guys kicking down the door to be well-trained before the bullets start flying.

  7. The sound of the Blackhawk is the “sound of freedom”. Appreciate we have the asset to support the boys in the SAS Regiment.

  8. Not sure if it was part of the ‘Blackhawk’ exercise. Or, maybe there was a police search on? I live in Hammond Park and last night, Thursday 5th June, we were kept awake from about 10.30 to 11.30pm as there was one or more helicopters flying low over us, with searchlights going and very noisy.

    1. The Army Blackhawks returned to their base at Holsworthy, NSW on 5 June 2014, and the searchlights you mentioned indicate that what you saw was a Police helicopter.

      David Eyre

  9. I live in an ‘affected suburb’ and didn’t receive any notice about this.

  10. Are all these military exercises realy necessary or is it just some kind of show. If you keep this up for a month a lot of people are going to get very stressed out.

    1. The Blackhawks finish ops in Perth city at the end of May, and are moving to Pearce and Bindoon a couple of weeks before going home.
      The Army did warn Perth residents that there would be lots of noise and explosions, etc at night and during the afternoons.
      It is necessary to conduct such operations if we want our special forces to train under realistic conditions and be prepared for real operations, whether here or overseas.
      It is rare for Army helicopters to come to WA, but as WA is now one of the major contributors to the Australian economy, it is appropriate to train here.
      They will operate around RAAF Pearce and the Bindoon area from the end of May 2014 to 5 June.
      David Eyre

  11. Knowing that these Guys are professional combat ready troops ‘
    Awesome to see
    Keep up the good work !

  12. It woke up all the family last night, including kids who got scared!!!!!! Don’t like it!!!!!

  13. Seen 3 Blackhawks in close parallel formation today(16 th may) fly low over narrows bridge. Nearly flew over me while driving on the freeway. Awsome sight.

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